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McleodGanj.Dharamsala.Kangra valley "Close to Heaven" |
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Teachings of His Holiness The Dalai Lama For Teachings in Dharamsala,Himachal Pradesh,India Registration In general, all teachings in India are free and open to the public. For teachings in Dharamsala, you will need to register in person at the Tibetan Branch Security Office in McLeod Ganj (near Hotel Tibet), preferably three to four days before the teachings begin. For registration, you will need to bring 2 passport size photos along with your passport. There is no advance registration service. People attending the teachings are responsible for their own board and lodging.
Seating Seating is usually reserved on a first come - first serve basis. In the West, seating for public events is in most cases designated by your ticket and seat number. In India, seating for teachings is usually on the ground. The conventional practice amongst Tibetans is that you take your seat on the first day of a series of teachings, mark it with your cushion or piece of cloth, and thereafter, keep to that same seat for the duration of the teachings. This is how Tibetans have traditionally avoided hassling with each other over who sits where every day. So, following the old adage “When in Rome, do as the Romans do”, it seems reasonable to suggest that when among Tibetans, do as the Tibetans do. Usually, people come to the teaching venue 1 or 2 days before the teaching begins to reserve their seating space. For people requiring translation services, there is a designated area at the teaching venue.
Translation His Holiness teaches in Tibetan. Therefore, on most occasions when His Holiness is teaching in India an effort is made to provide simultaneous translation into English. If you wish to listen to the translation, you are advised to bring a FM radio. Headphones are a must since you do not want to disturb the majority of listeners nearby, who may not be listening to the translation. Although the quality of the signal varies according to the local conditions, you can often improve reception by changing the angle and position of the antenna of your radio, which is often incorporated in the headphone lead.
Travel FAQ'S when coming to Dharamsala for teachings
Upcoming Schedule of HH Dalai Lama 2013 (Source: http://www.dalailama.com/teachings/schedule)Note: Below is the public schedule of His Holiness the Dalai Lama both in India as well as abroad. Please note that for many of these events, tickets are required in order to gain entrance. People are requested to contact the organizers directly or visit the websites given below for further information on tickets. In general, most of the events in India are free where as the majority of events abroad require paid tickets. For your information, as a long-standing policy His Holiness the Dalai Lama does not accept any fees for his talks. Where tickets need to be purchased, organizers are requested by our office to charge the minimum entrance fee in order to cover their costs only. Please note that the below dates are subject to change. 2013
Teachings in Dharamsala, HP, India from June 1 to 4: His Holiness will give four days of teachings on Shantideva's A Guide to the Boddhisattva's Way of Life (chodjug) at the request of a group of Indian sanghas at the Main Tibetan Temple. Contact Email: nalandashiksha@gmail.com Teaching in Christchurch, New Zealand on June 9: His Holiness will give a teaching on The Four Noble Truths (denpai shi) in the morning at the CBS Canterbury Arena. Contact Website: www.dalailamavisit.org.nz Public Talk in Christchurch, New Zealand on June 9: His Holiness will give a public talk on Compassion, The Pillar of Peace in the afternoon at the CBS Canterbury Arena. Contact Website: www.dalailamavisit.org.nz Public Talk in Dunedin, New Zealand on June 11: His Holiness will give a public talk on Beyond Religion: Ethics for the Whole World in the afternoon at the Dunedin Town Hall. Contact Website: www.dalailamavisit.org.nz Public Talk in Auckland, New Zealand on June 12: His Holiness will give a public talk on The Path to Happiness in the afternoon at the Aotea Center. Contact Website: www.dalailamavisit.org.nz Teachings in Sydney, Australia from June 14 to 16: His Holiness will give two-and a half days of teachings on Khunu Lama Tenzin Gyaltsen's Jewel Lamp, A Praise of Bodhichitta (jangchup semkyi toepa rinchen dronme) at the Sydney Entertainment Center. Contact Website: www.dalailamainaustralia.org Public Talk in Sydney, Australia on June 16: His Holiness will give a public talk on Ethical Mindfulness in Everyday Life in the afternoonat the Sydney Entertainment Center. Contact Website: www.dalailamainaustralia.org Public Talk in Melbourne, Australia on June 18: His Holiness will give a public talk on Compassion, the Foundation of Wellbeing in the afternoonat the Melbourne Convention Center. Contact Website: www.dalailamainaustralia.org Teaching in Melbourne, Australia on June 19: His Holiness will give a teaching on The Heart Sutra and Geshi Langri Thangpa's Eight Verses of Training the Mind at Quang Minh Temple, Braybrook, Melbourne. Contact Website: www.heartsutra2013.org.au Public Talk in Adelaide, Australia on June 21: His Holiness will give a public talk on The Quest for Happiness in the afternoonat the Adelaide Convention Center. Contact Website: www.dalailamainaustralia.org Teaching in Darwin, Australia on June 23: His Holiness will give a teaching on The Four Noble Truths in the morningat the Darwin Convention Center. Contact Website: www.dalailamainaustralia.org Public Talk in Darwin, Australia on June 23: His Holiness will give a public talk on Ethics In Our Shared World in the afternoonat the Darwin Convention Center. Contact Website: www.dalailamainaustralia.org Teachings in Dharamsala, HP, India on June 27 & 28: His Holiness will give teachings at the TCV Auditorium at the request of Tibetan youth. Please note that only students will be allowed in the hall. Public interested in attending the teaching will be seated outside the hall and must bring fm radios with them in order to listen to the teaching. Teaching in Dharamsala, HP, India on July 1 & 2: His Holiness will give a one and a half-day teaching on Tsongkhapa's The Three Principal Aspects of the Path (lamtso namsum) and confer a Medicine Buddha Empowerment (menlha jenang) at the request of a group of Vietnamese at the Main Tibetan Temple. Contact Website: www.phaphoi2013dharamsala.com Teaching in Dharamsala, HP, India from August 25 to 27: His Holiness will give a two and a half-day teaching on The Sutra of the Explanation of the Profound Secrets - Sandhinirmocana Sutra (dode gongdrel) at the request of a group of Koreans at the Main Tibetan Temple. Teaching in Dharamsala, HP, India from September 3 to 5: His Holiness will give two and a half-days of teaching and continue from Chapter 8 from Shantideva's A Guide to the Boddhisattva's Way of Life (chodjug) at the request of a group of Southeast Asians at the Main Tibetan Temple.Contact Website: www.tibetanbc.org Public Talk in Atlanta, GA, USA on October 8: His Holiness will give a public talk on The Pillars of Responsible Citizenship in the 21st Century Global Village in the morning at The Arena at Gwinnett Center. Contact Website: www.dalailama.emory.edu Panel Discussion in Atlanta, GA, USA on October 8: His Holiness will lead a panel discussion on Secular Ethics in Education in the afternoon at The Arena at Gwinnett Center. Contact Website: www.dalailama.emory.edu Lecture in Atlanta, GA, USA on October 9: His Holiness, a presidential distinguished professor at Emory University, will teach a class titled Secular Ethics101 for students at the campus of Emory University. Contact Website: www.dalailama.emory.edu Symposium in Atlanta, GA, USA on October 9: His Holiness, a presidential distinguished professor at Emory University, will lead a symposium with faculty and graduate students in religion and ethics on Secular Ethics at the campus of Emory University. Contact Website: www.dalailama.emory.edu Teaching in Atlanta, GA, USA on October 10: His Holiness will give a teaching on the root text of Mahamudra by the 1st Panchen Lama, Losang Choekyi Gyaltsen at the campus of Emory University at the invitation of Drepung Loseling Monastery, Inc. Contact Website: www.dalailama.emory.edu Teaching in New York, NY, USA from October 18 to 20: His Holiness will give two and a half-days of teachings on The Heart Sutra (sherab nyingpo), The Sutra of the Recollection of the Three Jewels (kunchok jeden) & Shantideva's 9th Chapter of The Guide to the Bodhisattva's Way of Life (chodjug) as well as bestow an initiation into The Buddha Establishing the Three Pledges (thupa damtsik sumkoe) at the Beacon Theater. Contact Website: www.dalailamany.org Teaching in New York, NY, USA on October 20: His Holiness will give a public talk in the afternoon at the Beacon Theater. Contact Website: www.dalailamany.org Teaching in Dharamsala, HP, India from December 2 to 4: His Holiness will give a two and a half-day teaching on Tsongkhapa's Three Principal Paths (lamtso namsum) & Tsongkhapa's Foundation of All Good Qualities (yonten shekyurma) at the request of a group of Mongolians led by Lamiin Gegeen at the Main Tibetan Temple. Teachings in Bylakuppe, Karnataka, India from December 25 to January 3: His Holiness will continue his teachings on 18 Great Stages of the Path (Lam Rim) Commentaries at Sera Monastery at the request of H.E. Ling Choktrul Rinpoche and Gaden Shartse Monastery. Contact Websites: http://www.jangchuplamrim.org and http://www.jangchuplamrim.com 2014 Kalachakra in Leh, Ladakh, J&K, India from July 3 to 14: During the first three days of the Kalachakra, from July 3 to 5, His Holiness the Dalai Lama, along with the monks of Namgyal Monastery and senior lamas, will conduct rituals which prepare and consecrate the venue. These include chanting of prayers, creation of the sand mandala and other rituals. From July 6 to 8, His Holiness will give preliminary teachings. On July 9, the Kalachakra Ritual Dance will be performed by the monks of Namgyal Monastery. His Holiness will confer the Kalachakra Initiation from July 10 to 13. On July 14, a long life empowerment (tsewang) and a ceremony offering prayers for the long life of His Holiness the Dalai Lama will be performed. Upcoming Schedule of HH Dalai Lama 2010 Teachings in Bodh Gaya, Bihar, India from January 5 to 9, 2010: His Holiness will give five-day teachings on Nagarjuna's In Praise of the Transcendental (jigten ley depar toepa), Atisha's Lamp of the Path to Enlightenment (jangchup lamdron), Longchen Rinpoche's Mind In Comfort and Ease (semnyid nyelso) & Tsongkhapa's Short Version of the Stages of the Path To Enlightenment (lamrim dhuedhon) from January 5 to 8. On the morning of January 9 His Holiness will confer a Long Life Empowerment (tsewang) and a long life offering will be offered to His Holiness. Public Talk in Los Angeles, LA, California, USA on February 21: His Holiness will give a public address entitled Cultivating Compassion and the Needs of Vulnerable Children at the Gibson Amphitheater at Universal Citywalk. The event is organized by Whole Child International. Contact: http://www.wholechild.org Discussion in Palm Beach (Boca Raton), FL, USA on February 24: His Holiness will lead a discussion with south Florida's FACU Presidents on The Responsibilities of Ethics in Higher Education In Today's Society to be held at Broward College.
Teaching in Dharamsala, HP, India on February 28: His Holiness will give a short teaching from the Jataka Tales in the morning at the Main Tibetan Temple. Conference in Zurich, Switzerland from April 9 to 11: His Holiness will participate in the XX Mind and Life Conference on Altruism and Compassion in Economic Systems – A Dialogue Between Economics, Neuroscience and Contemplative Sciences organized by the Mind & Life Institute at the Congress Center Zurich. Contact Website: www.compassionineconomics.org Public Talk in Zurich, Switzerland on April 11: His Holiness will give a public talk on Universal Responsibility and Economics organized by the Mind & Life Institute at Hallenstadion Zurich. Contact Website: www.dalailamazurich.ch Teachings in Bloomington, IN, USA on May 12 & 13: His Holiness will give two-day teachings on The Heart Sutra (sherab nyingpo) organized by The Tibetan & Mongolian Buddhist Cultural Center. Contact Website: www.tmbcc.net Public Talk in Indianapolis, IN, USA on May 14: His Holiness will give a public talk on Facing Challenges with Compassion & Wisdom organized by The Tibetan & Mongolian Buddhist Cultural Center, Interfaith Hunger Initiative and Indiana Buddhist Center. Contact Website: www.tmbcc.net, www.interfaithhungerinitiative.org & www.indianabuddhist.org Public Talk in Cedar Falls, IA, USA on May 18: His Holiness will give a public talk on The Power of Education organized by University of Northern Iowa. Contact Website: http://www.uni.edu/dalailama Teachings in New York, NY, USA from May 20 to 22: His Holiness will give three-day teachings on Shantideva’s A Guide to the Bodhisattva’s Way of Life (chodjug) & Kamalashila’s The Middling States of Meditation (gomrim barpa) organized by Healing the Divide & The Tibet Center at Radio City Music Hall. Contact Website: www.dalailamany.org Public Talk in New York, NY, USA on May 23: His Holiness will give a public talk on Awakening the Heart of Selflessness organized by Healing the Divide & The Tibet Center. Contact Website: www.dalailamany.org Interfaith Dialogue in New York, NY on May 23: His Holiness will participate in an interfaith dialogue at the Church of St. John the Divine. Teachings in Ladakh, J&K, India in July: His Holiness will give teachings in Kargil and in Nubra during the second half of July (topics yet to be decided). According to the tentative dates, he will be giving teaching in Bodhkharbu (Kargil) on July 20 and in Sumur & Disket (Nubra Valley) on July 22, 23, 26 & 27. There is no visit to Leh or Zanskar planned in 2010. Teaching in Jispa, HP, India from August 18 to 20: His Holiness will give teachings on Atisha’s Lamp for the Path to Enlightenment (jangchup lamdron) on August 18. On August 19 he will confer the Heruka (dechok) Initiation. On August 20 he will confer the Avalokiteshvera (chenresig) Initiation. Teaching in Dharamsala, HP, India from August 28 to 30: His Holiness will give three-day teachings on The Diamond Sutra (dorjee chotpa) at the request of a group of Koreans. Teaching in Dharamsala, HP, India from September 8 to 10: His Holiness will give three-day teachings (topic yet to be decided) at the request of a group of Southeast Asians. Teaching in Dharamsala, HP, India from October 4 to 7: His Holiness will give four-day teachings (topic yet to be decided) at the request of a group of Taiwanese. Previous 2009 Teachings
Teaching in Dharamsala, HP, India on September 15 to 17: His Holiness will give a three-day general Buddhist teaching (no specific text) at the request of Korean Buddhists at the Main Tibetan Temple. Public Talk in Memphis, TN, USA on September 23: His Holiness will give a public talk on Developing Peace and Harmony at the Cannon Center. Contact Website: www.DalaiLamaMemphis2009.com Teaching in Long Beach, CA, USA on September 25 & 26: His Holiness will give teachings on The Four Noble Truths and confer the Amitabha Permission Initiation (opakmei jenang) and Medicine Buddha Initiation at the Long Beach Arena organized by Geden Shoeling Tibetan Manjushri Center of Westminster, CA.Contact Website: www.gedenshoeling.comli.com Peace Summit in Vancouver, BC, Canada from September 27 & 29: His Holiness will participate in the Vancouver Peace Summit: Nobel Laureates in Dialogue organized by the Dalai Lama Center for Peace & Education. Contact Website: www.dalailamacenter.org Public Talk in Calgary, Alberta, Canada on September 30 & October 1: His Holiness will be visiting the University of Calgary and participating in events during these two days. Contact Website: www.dalailamacalgary.com/ Public Talk in Montreal, Quebec, Canada on October 3: His Holiness will give a public talk on Educating the Heart: The Power of Compassion at the Bell Center. Contact Website: www.dalailamamontreal2009.org Teaching in New York, NY, USA on October 4: His Holiness will give a half-day afternoon teaching on Nagarjuna’s Commentary on Bodhicitta(jangchup semdrel) organized by a Vietnamese group at the Manhattan Center. Mind and Life Conference in Washington, DC, USA on October 8 & 9: His Holiness will participate in a Mind and Life Conference on the theme of Educating World Citizens in the 21st Century. The conference will feature educators, scientists and contemplatives discussing issues on Cultivating a Healthy Mind, Brain and Heart to be held at the DAR Constitution Hall. Contact Website: www.educatingworldcitizens.org Teaching in Washington, DC, USA on October 10: His Holiness will give a half-day morning teaching on The Heart of Change: Finding Wisdom in the Modern World organized by the Conservancy for Tibetan Art and Culture. Contact Website: www.dalailamaDC09.com Teaching in Dharamsala, HP, India from October 15 to 18: His Holiness will give teachings on The Diamond Sutra (dorjee chotpa), Geshe Chekewa's Seven Point-Mind Training (lojong dhondunma) & Tsongkhapa's The Three Principal Paths (lamtso namsum) at the request of Taiwanese devotees at the Main Tibetan Temple. On the last day, he will confer the Avalokiteshvera Initiation (chenresig wang). Teaching in Dharamsala, HP, India from October 20 to 22: His Holiness will give teachings on The Four Noble Truths (denpa shi) at the request of Singaporean Buddhists at the Main Tibetan Temple. Public Talk in Tokyo, Japan on October 31: His Holiness will give a public talk at Ryogoku Kokugikan. Contact: Liaison Office of H.H. the Dalai Lama, Hayama Building, No. 5 (5F), 5-11-30 Shinjuku, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 160 Japan Tel: +81-3-3353 4094 Or 3355 6213 Fax: +81-3-3225 8013 Email: lohhdl@tibethouse.jp Panel Discussion in Tokyo, Japan on November 1: His Holiness will participate in a panel discussion with Japanese scientists at the Ryogoku Kokugikan. Contact: Liaison Office of H.H. the Dalai Lama, Hayama Building, No. 5 (5F), 5-11-30 Shinjuku, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 160 Japan Tel: +81-3-3353 4094 Or 3355 6213 Fax: +81-3-3225 8013 Email: lohhdl@tibethouse.jp Public Talk in Matsuyama City, Japan on November 3: His Holiness will give a public talk. Contact: Liaison Office of H.H. the Dalai Lama, Hayama Building, No. 5 (5F), 5-11-30 Shinjuku, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 160 Japan Tel: +81-3-3353 4094 Or 3355 6213 Fax: +81-3-3225 8013 Email: lohhdl@tibethouse.jp Public Talk in Okinawa, Japan on November 5: His Holiness will give a public talk at Budokan auditorium. Contact: Liaison Office of H.H. the Dalai Lama, Hayama Building, No. 5 (5F), 5-11-30 Shinjuku, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 160 Japan Tel: +81-3-3353 4094 Or 3355 6213 Fax: +81-3-3225 8013 Email: lohhdl@tibethouse.jp Teaching in Dharamsala, HP, India from November 24 to 26: His Holiness will give teachings on Atisha's Lamp of the Path To Enlightenment (jangchup lamdron) at the request of Russian devotees at the Main Tibetan Temple. Contact Websites: www.buddhisminkalmykia.ru and www.savetibet.ru Teaching in Sydney, Australia on December 1 & 2: His Holiness will give two days of teachings on Nagarjuna's Commentary on Bodhicitta (jangchup semdrel) organized by His Holiness the Dalai Lama in Australia Committee. Contact Website: www.dalailamainaustralia.org Public Talk in Sydney, Australia on December 3: His Holiness will give a public talk on Our Future: Who Is Responsible? organized by His Holiness the Dalai Lama in Australia Committee. Contact Website: www.dalailamainaustralia.org Public Talk in Auckland, New Zealand on December 5: His Holiness will give a public talk on A Peaceful Mind organized by the Dalai Lama Visit Trust New Zealand. Contact Website: www.dalailamavisit.org.nz Teaching in Auckland, New Zealand on December 6:His Holiness will give teachings on Nagarjuna's Commentary on Bodhicitta (jangchup semdrel) Zealand. Contact Website: www.dalailamavisit.org.nz organized by the Dalai Lama Visit Trust New Public Talk in Hobart, Australia on December 8: His Holiness will give a public talk on Compassion in Diversity organized by His Holiness the Dalai Lama in Australia Committee. Contact Website: www.dalailamainaustralia.org Address in Melbourne, Australia on December 9: His Holiness will address the Closing OPlaneary of the Parliament of the World’s Religions. Contact Website: www.parliamentofreligions.org Public Talk in Melbourne, Australia on December 10: His Holiness will give a public talk on World Peace: Who Is Responsible? organized by His Holiness the Dalai Lama in Australia Committee. Contact Website: www.dalailamainaustralia.org Teaching in Copenhagen, Denmark from May 30 & 31: His Holiness will give a day and a half teaching on Nagarjuna's Commentary on Bodhicitta (jangchup semdrel) & Kamalashila's The Middling Stages of Meditation (gomrim barpa) at the Bella Center. Contact Website: www.dalailama.dk Public Talk in Copenhagen, Denmark on May 31: His Holiness will give a public talk on Peace Through Inner Peace at the Bella Center. Contact Website: www.dalailama.dk Public Talk in Reykjavik, Iceland on June 2: His Holiness will give a public talk on the topic on Values, Attitude and Happiness at the Laugardalsholl Sporting Arena. Contact Website: www.dalailama.is Teaching in Amsterdam, The Netherlands on June 4: His Holiness will give a teaching on Shantideva's Chapter 6 on Patience from A Guide to the Bodhisattva's Way of Life at the Rai Congress Center. Contact Website: www.dalailamanederland.nl Public Talk in Amsterdam, The Netherlands on June 4: His Holiness will give a public talk on The Power of Compassion At A Turbulent Time at the Rai Congress Center. Contact Website: www.dalailamanederland.nl Public Talk in Paris, France on June 7: His Holiness will give a public talk on Ethics and Society at the Bercy Omnisports Center. Contact Website: www.dalailama-paris2009.fr Teaching in Kaza, H.P., India from July 10 to 12: His Holiness will give three-day teachings at the request of the Sakya Monastery in Kaza. On July 10 His Holiness will give a Buddhist teaching (topic yet to be decided). On July 11 and 12 His Holiness will confer the Avalokiteshvera Initiation (chenresig wangchen). Teaching in Frankfurt, Germany on July 30 & 31: His Holiness will give a day and a half teaching on Kamalashila's The Middling Stages of Meditation (gomrim barpa). On the morning of July 31 he will confer an Amitabha Empowerment (opakmey jenang). Contact Website: www.dalailama-frankfurt.de
Symposium in Frankfurt, Germany on August 1 & 2: His Holiness will participate in a symposium on the theme One World One Mind One Heart on the subject of global responsibilities with selected scientists and and/or political personalities. Contact Website: www.dalailama-frankfurt.de
Public Talk in Frankfurt, Germany on August 2: His Holiness will give a public talk on The Art of Living. Contact Website: www.dalailama-frankfurt.de Teaching in Lausanne/Prilly, Switzerland on August 4 & 5: His Holiness will give teachings on Lama Tsongkhapa's The Three Principal Aspects of the Paths (lam ghi tsowo nampa soom) on August 4. On the morning of August 5, His Holiness will confer a Medicine Buddha Initiation followed by a long life offering ceremony to His Holiness by the Tibetan Communities of Europe. Contact Website: www.dalailama-lausanne2009.ch Public Talk in Lausanne/Prilly, Switzerland on August : His Holiness will give a public talk on World Peace Through Inner Peace. Contact Website: www.dalailama-lausanne2009.ch Teaching in Zanskar, Ladakh, J&K, India in August: His Holiness is scheduled to visit Zanskar from August 16 to 21. He is scheduled to be giving teachings from August 17 to 19 (subject to change). Teaching in Leh, Ladakh, J&K, India in August: His Holiness is scheduled to visit Leh from August 21 to 29. He is scheduled to be giving teachings from August 23 to 26 (subject to change). Teaching in Sarnath, U.P., India from January 8 to 14: His Holiness will give seven-day teachings on Kamalashila's The Middling Stages of Meditation (gomrim barpa) & Shantideva's A Guide To the Bodhisattva's Way of Life (chodjug). The teachings will be held near the Central Institute of Higher Tibetan Studies. Teaching in Dharamsala, H.P., India on March 11: His Holiness will give a teaching from the Jataka Tales at the Main Tibetan Temple.
Spring Teachings Earlier Scheduled from March 12 to to 21 in Dharamsala have been canceled this year. Lecture in Santa Barbara, CA, USA on April 24: His Holiness will give a lecture on The Nature of Mind organized by the University of Santa Barbara at the UCSB Events Center. Public Talk in Santa Barbara, CA, USA on April 24: His Holiness will give a public talk on Ethics for Our Time organized by the University of Santa Barbara at the UCSB Events Center. His Previous Teachings in 2008 and 2007
Teaching in Mundgod, Karnataka, India from January 3 to 14: His Holiness will give teachings on Jamphel Tsencho and Lhamo Jenang on Janaury 3 to 5 at Drepung Lachi Monastery. On January 7 His Holiness will inaugurate the new Drepung Loesling Assembly Hall. From Janaury 8 to 13 His Holiness will give extensive teachings on Panchen Sonam Dakpa's Pharchin Chidon Yumdon Selwa Donmey, Jetsun Champa Gonpo's Ngontok Gyen & Lopon Senge Sangpo's Drelwa Donsel at Drepung Loseling Monastery. He will also confer the Dorjee Jigche Lha Chusoom Initiation. On the morning of January 14 His Holiness will confer a long life empowerment and a long life ceremony offering for His Holiness will be held. Teaching in Dharamsala (H.P.), India on February 20: His Holiness will give a teaching from the Jataka Tales. Teaching in Dharamsala (H.P.), India from February 21 to March 1: His Holiness will give his annual spring teachings on Lord Buddha's 34 Jataka Tales (khay-rab so-shi) and Dhammapada (tsom). Public Talk in London, U.K. on May 22: His Holiness will give a public talk at the Royal Albert Hall. Contact: The Office of Tibet, Tibet House, 1 Culworth Street, London NW8 7AF, UK. Tel: +44-20-7722-5378, Fax: +44-20-7722-0362 Public Talk in Nottingham, U.K. on May 24 & 25: His Holiness will give general talks on Bringing Meaning to Our Lives. Contact: The Office of Tibet, London, UK. Tel: +44-20-7722-5378, Fax: +44-20-7722-0362
Teaching in Nottingham, U.K. from May 26 to 28: His Holiness will give three-day teachings on Je Tsongkhapa’s Praise to the Buddha for His Discourses on Dependent Origination (tendrel toepa). On the morning of May 28 His Holiness will confer the Vajrasattva Empowerment. Contact: The Office of Tibet, London, UK. Tel: +44-20-7722-5378, Fax: +44-20-7722-0362 Colloquium on Christian and Buddhist Traditions and Prayers in Oxford, U.K. on May 29: His Holiness will give the keynote address at the Blackfriars Hall. Contact: The Office of Tibet, Tibet House, 1 Culworth Street, London NW8 7AF, UK. Tel: +44-20-7722-5378, Fax: +44-20-7722-0362 Public Talk in Oxford, U.K. on May 30: His Holiness will give a public talk at the Sheldonian Theatre on the wider understanding of the Buddhist tradition. Contact: The Office of Tibet, Tibet House, 1 Culworth Street, London NW8 7AF, UK. Tel: +44-20-7722-5378, Fax: +44-20-7722-0362 Teaching in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, USA from July 10 to 15: His Holiness will give six-day teachings at Lehigh University's Stabler Arena on Je Tsongkhapa’s Great Treatise on the Stages of the Path to Enlightenment (lamrim chenmo) organized by the Tibetan Buddhist Learning Center of New Jersey. Contact Website: www.dalailamajuly2008.com Teaching in Dharamsala (H.P.), India from August 4 to 6: His Holiness will give three-day teachings on Atisha's Lamp for the Path To Enlightenment (jangchup lam kyi drolma) at the request of a Korean group.
Public Talk in Nantes, France on August 15: His Holiness will give a public talk on Peace Through Inner Peace at the Zenith Nantes Metropole organized by the Ocean de Sagesse. Contact Website: www.dalailama-nantes2008.fr
Teaching in Nantes, France from August 16 to 20: His Holiness will give five-day teachings on Chapters 26 (Examination of the 12 Branches of Dependent Arising), 18 (Examination of Self & Phenomena) & 24 (Examination of the Arya Truths) of Nagarjuna's Treatise on the Middle Way, Nagarjuna's Bodhichitta Commentary (Jangchup Semdrel) & Chapter 3 (Summary Teaching on the Causes of Enlightenment) of Nagarjuna's Precious Garland. On the morning of August 20, His Holiness will confer the Quintessential Collection of the Inner Siddhis (Thuk-Drup Yang-Nying Kun-Tue) from the 5th Dalai Lama's Secret Teachings. The teaching will be held at the Zenith Nantes Metropole and organized by the Ocean de Sagesse. Contact Website: www.dalailama-nantes2008.fr
Public Talk in Mexico City, Mexico on September 6: His Holiness will give a free public talk on Outer Peace Through Inner Peace at Zocola organized by Casa Tibet Mexico. Contact Website: www.dalailamaenmexico.org Teaching in Mexico City, Mexico from September 8 to 10: His Holiness will give three-day teachings on The Six Paramitas at the Metropolitan Theater. The teachings are organized by Casa Tibet Mexico. Contact Website: www.dalailamaenmexico.org Teaching in Dharamsala (H.P.), India from September 25 to 27: His Holiness will give three-day teachings on Je Tsongkhapa's The Great Treatise on the Stages of the Path to Enlightenment (lamrim chenmo) at the request of the The Tibetan Buddhist Center (Singapore). Contact: The Tibetan Buddhist Center (Singapore), 02-28 No. 1 New World Center, Singapore 209037 Singapore Tel: +65 6491 1027 Website: www.tibetanbc.org
Teaching in Dharamsala (H.P.), India from September 30 to October 4: His Holiness will give five-day teachings on Arya Nagarjuna's Commentary on Bodhicitta (jangchup semdrel) and Kamalashila's The Middling Stages of Meditation (gomrim barpa). The teachings are primarily for Chinese Buddhists mainly from Taiwan. Teaching in Basel, Switzerland from October 10 to 12: His Holiness will give three-day teachings on Kamalashila's The Middling Stages of Meditation (gomrim barpa) and Ngulchu Gyalsey Thokme Sangpo's The Thirty-Seven Practices of a Bodhisattva (gyalsey laklen sodunma) on October 10 and 11. On the morning of October 12 a long life ceremony will be offered to His Holiness. The teachings will be held at Messezentrum Basel and are organzied by the Tibetan Communities in Europe. Contact Website: www.dalailama2008.ch Public Talk in Basel, Switzerland on October 12: His Holiness will give a public talk on Ethical Act - Happy Life at the Messezentrum Basel organzied by the Tibetan Communities in Europe. Contact Website: www.dalailama2008.ch Public Talk in Warsaw, Poland on December 11: His Holiness will give a public talk on Message of Peace, Compassion, Human Understanding, Universal Responsibility and Tolerance organized by the City of Warsaw. 2007 Teaching in Dharamsala from September 3 to 5: His Holiness will give three-day teachings on Nagarjuna's Commentary on Boddhicitta (jangchup semdrel) mainly for people from South-East Asia at the request of the Tibetan Buddhist Society, Singapore. Contact Website: www.dalailama.com.sg
Public Talk in Barcelona, Spain on September 10: His Holiness will give a talk on The Art of Happiness at the Olympic Stadium. Contact: www.casadeltibetbcn.org
Teaching in Lisbon, Portugal on September 13 to 15: His Holiness will give three-day teachings on Shantideva’s A Guide to the Bodhisattva’s Way of Life (chodjug). Website: www.dalailamalisboa2007.com
Public Talk in Lisbon, Portugal on September 16: His Holiness will give a talk on The Power of Compassion. Website: www.dalailamalisboa2007.com Public Talk in Melk, Austria on September 19: His Holiness will give a talk as part of the Waldzell Dialogue at the Melk Abbey Church.
Public Talk in Muenster, Germany on September 21: His Holiness will give a talk on Universal Responsibility in Science and Society at Halle Muensterland. Website: www.uni-muenster.de
Public Talk in Wiesbaden, Germany on September 22: His Holiness will give a talk in the afternoon at Hessenpark in Wiesbaden.
Teaching in Dharamsala from October 1 to 5: His Holiness will give five-day teachings on Nagarjuna's Commentary on Boddhicitta (jangchup semdrel) at the request of a group of Koreans.
Public Talk in Ithaca, New York, USA on October 9: His Holiness will give a talk on A Human Approach to World Peace at Barton Hall. Contact Website: www.namgyal.org
Teaching in Ithaca, New York, USA on October 10: His Holiness will give a teaching on Geshe Langri Thangpa’s Eight Verses of Training the Mind (lojong tsikgyama) organized by the Namgyal Insitute. Contact Website: www.namgyal.org
Teaching in New York City, USA on October 12 to 14: His Holiness will give teachings on Nagarjuna's Diamond Cutter Sutra and Nagarjuna's Seventy Verses on Emptiness at the Radio City Music Hall organized by the Tibet Center and Healing the Divide. Contact Website: www.dalailamany.org
Public Talk in New York City, USA on October 14: His Holiness will give a public talk at the Radio City Music Hall organized by the Tibet Center and Healing the Divide. Contact Website: www.dalailamany.org
Talk in Atlanta, Georgia, USA on October 20: His Holiness will participate in a Mind & Life Conference at Emory University. Contact Website: www.dalailama.emory.edu
Teaching in Atlanta, Georgia, USA on October 21: His Holiness will give a teaching on Je Tsongkhapa’s Praise to the Buddha for His Discourses on Dependent Origination (tendrel toepa) at Emory University. Contact Website: www.dalailama.emory.edu Public Talk in Atlanta, Georgia, USA on October 22: His Holiness will give a public talk on Educating the Heart and Mind at Centennial Olympic Park. Contact Website: www.dalailama.emory.edu Teaching in Bloomington, Indiana, USA from October 24 to 26: His Holiness will give three-day teachings on Atisha's Lamp for the Path to Enlightenment (jangchup lamdron). Contact: Arjia Rinpoche, Tibetan Culutral Center, 3655 Snoddy Road, Bloomington, Indiana. Tel: (812) 331-0014/336-6807. Website: www.tibetancc.com Public Talk in Lafayette, Indiana, USA on October 26: His Holiness will give a talk on Cultivating Happiness at Purdue University. Contact: Todd Wetzel, Director of Convocations, Purdue University. Contact Website: www.purdue.edu/convos Public Talk in Bloomington, Indiana, USA on October 27: His Holiness will give a talk on Compassion: The Source of Happiness at the Mellencamp Pavillion. Contact: Arjia Rinpoche, Tibetan Culutral Center, 3655 Snoddy Road, Bloomington, Indiana. Tel: (812) 331-0014/336-6807. Website: www.tibetancc.com
Public Talk in Ottawa, Canada on October 28: His Holiness will give a public talk organized by the Canada Tibet Committee. Contact Website: www.tibet.ca Public Talk in Toronto, Canada on October 31: His Holiness will give a public talk organized by the Canadian Tibetan Association of Ontario. Contact Website: www.ctao.org Teaching in Milan, Italy from December 7 to 9: His Holiness will give two-day teachings on Nagarjuna's Commentary on Boddhicitta (jangchup semdrel) on December 7 and 8. On December 9 morning, His Holiness will confer the Avalokiteshvera Initiation. Website: www.dalailama-milano2007.org Public Talk in Milan, Italy on December 9: His Holiness will give a talk on The Way Toward Inner Peace and Non-Violence on the afternoon of December 9. Website: www.dalailama-milano2007.org
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